
Looks nice... what else can I say about Portland?

I don't know much/anything about Portland, Oregon. My nanny used to live there and she was the most crunchy granola, crafty west-coaster I ever met (She made tiny, little beds for tiny little people for NO REASON. That's just how DIY she was.) But Portland is the birthplace of many great bands! Yay!

One of my recent favorites, Hockey.
Hockey - Too Fake
Hockey - 3 AM Spanish

The Thermals remind me of Ted Leo, since they're angry AND cute. This is a newish song with "oh-way-oh" in the chorus! Check out the Pillar of Salt video.
The Thermals - Now We Can See

Oh my god, Pavement OWNS me. So I love Mr. Malkmus.
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - (Do Not Feed The) Oyster

I admit I bought my first Menomena album 'cause it had a cool cover.
Menomena - Muscle'n Flo
Wet and Rusting music video

I've gotta go watch Heroes. It sucks, but I've invested too much time to stop.

Your Song by Me

Pink Nasty in the tub with a strange man.

Oh, cover songs. There's nothing better than discovering your favorite band has just covered your OTHER favorite band. And just last week, THAT band covered the first band, and so on and so forth. Wooo for artist stealing material for their own gain!

I have at least five covers of this song.
Mobius Band - Digital Love (Daft Punk Cover)

Guilty pleasures team up to create a perfect cover.
The Format - Wild World (Cat Stevens Cover)

Nice white girl channels her inner gangster, I guess.
Pink Nasty - Burn (Usher Cover)

I didn't think this song could get better. I was wrong.
Emil and Friends - Sleepyhead (Passion Pit Cover)

Aww this song is very cute.
Ben Gibbard - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Cindy Lauper Cover)

We're gonna rock down to electric avenue!
Woodhands - Electric Avenue (Eddy Grant Cover)

Also, see Sufjan's rendition of Joni Mitchell's "Free Man in Paris" off the Tribute to Joni Mitchell album. It's so fucking good, though my mom (die hard Joni fan) thinks he raped the song to pieces.

A Fearful Summons

Does depression make me look fat?

Almost every teenager goes through that phase. You know, the one where you think no one understands what you're feeling. The phase where you simultaneously hate yourself and laud your own distinct ability to transcend the "phoniness" of the world (See Catcher in the Rye.) Everyone went through it, and that's why there's a special place in our cultural lexicon for Hamlet (depressed and crazy, but who can blame him?) and those weepy emo kids that hang around Starbucks parking lots. We've all been there, completely and indulgently sad.

Colin Meloy's voice sounds like a cat dying. Beautifully.
The Decemberists - Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right

This gurl's got issues. But SClub7 does rock.
Emmy the Great - Canopies and Grapes

We'll be friends forever, but I'm afraid you'll never love me
Jeremy Messersmith - Beautiful Children

Sufjan Steven's was even sadder as a youngin'
Marzuki - I Love You I Hate You

The only song that's ever made me cry.
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

Extra: CFCF - Forbidden Colors (Ryuichi Sakamoto Cover)

"People always clap for the wrong things"
Bravo, Holden Caulfield

Suburbs Schmuburbs

"Oh, this tea party is an excellent use of our Ivy League educations!"

I live in the suburbs of New York City, and often times it is sickening. Women go to Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and then they give it all up for a membership at Equinox and daily trips to the nail salon. Well, I'm being a little hyperbolic. But my life has undoubtedly been shaped by my hatred for the town I live in. There's nothing like claustrophobic suburbia to develop teenage angst. And with all that pent up frustration, music becomes super important. So here it is, my life as a reluctant suburbanite.

Ben Folds is the king. If you meet a northeastern burbs-er, just mention you love for Guster, Dispatch and/or the early Ben Folds. You'll immediately be accepted.
Ben Folds Five - One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces

You may, however, meet a hipster suburbanite. When in doubt, jam to Devendra Banhart. If said hipster is wearing neon raybans, you'd better go with Justice.
Justice v. Wale - WALEDANCE

Bone up on the local jams. Freak out at lyric's references to hangout spots.
Fountains of Wayne - Fire Island
Quintus - Orienta

Finally, go to college and realize you miss it all.
Miracle Fortress - Can You See in Your Dreams
All-Time ¡Quarterback! - Dinner at Eight in the Suburbs

I Luv Brinkley

Yeah, I know guys. The Civil War is so lame.

Last year I took AP American History and it was amazing. I never slacked on my weekly Alan Brinkley "American Survey" textbook notes. The same could not be said about my Physics work. I loved the crazy, little narratives that weaved their way into the course, like when Charles Sumner was beat with a cane in the House of Representatives. Or when William Henry Harrison died after only a month as President. Still, the work was grueling, and often times music kept me sane. Here's a study mix:

Prohibition was kind of stupid.
Feist - Lover's Spit (Broken Social Scene cover)

Jefferson totally fathered a child with Sally Hemings.
Tiger Lou - Oh Horatio

Reconstruction really didn't reconstruct.
US Royalty - Keep It Cool (Bo Flex Giantess Remix)

Ulysses S. Grant was a much better general than President.
Pogo - Go Out and Love Somebody

"Only thing we have to fear is fear itself" biddies!

Oh shit, 7:35

Little Boots actually has nothing to do with little boots

I'm a senior in high school, so sleep is my favorite pastime. Any day, any situation, I'd rather be sleeping. For the last four days I've woken up an hour late, even as my iPod blasted its shuffle function on high volume. So these songs have nothing in common; they are merely the collective soundtrack to my frantic morning routines.

On Monday I wore an an outfit entirely from American Apparel.
Ellie Goulding - Wish I Stayed

On Tuesday I forgot my backpack at my house.
Massive Attack - Teardrop

On Wednesday I left a glob of toothpaste on my face.
The Harlem Shakes - Sunlight

This morning I ate a piece of strawberry mint gum for breakfast.
Little Boots - New In Town (Fred Falke Remix)


Songs for Peter

"Let them eat beer" cake by Peter

My friend Peter and I go way back. We played "Animorphs" in our elementary school playground, morphing into dolphins and giraffes and excluding all the other children. In 5th grade, his mom made me an honorary member of his family. And now, in high school, we try to outdo each other in musical prowess. I dedicate this post to him, as a peace offering and a humble admission that his musical taste kicks ass.

Peter, you were totally ahead of the Yelle curve. Kudos.
Yelle - Je Veux te Voir

Remember that time you gave me a 40 for free? Love you for it.
The Hood Internet - Get Like Pterodactlys (David Banner v. Fujiya & Miyagi)

Your little brother is soo fucking cute. Yo Gabba Gabba is soo fucking good.
The Aquabats - Pool Party

How the hell did you find Captain Clothing? HOW?? I am in awe of you, Peter. When he sings "oh it's too much work, go back to fucking Williamsburg," I laugh so much, since that will be me and you in a few years.
Captain Clothing - Doing the Grown-up

Grace and Bob forever. Loveyoupeeper.

Introductory Post

Bag Raiders are nuts.

My name is Yuriko (Not really but don't want my real name everywhere). I hate Uggs. I hate Crocs. I hate America's arrogance, though I consider myself patriotic. I hate fake people, fake nails, and fake friends. I hate meatloaf. I hate heavy metal and chauvinists and crusted food on old, dirty plates. But I love music more than my own limbs, so here's my blog!

My music taste is pretty damn eclectic. Here's one of my favorite mash-ups between Lupe Fiasco's "Superstar" and Radiohead's "Reckoner" by Mick Boogie and Terry Urban. My friend Julia and I rock out to this song like woah!
Reckon a Superstar

I am obsessed with poppy electronica. One of my favorites is Bag Raiders, some crazy Australians that make videos inspired by Power Rangers. Incred.
Bag Raiders - Fun Punch (Original Mix)

You gotta love JPop, especially from the beautiful and talented MEG. No one wears pink gingham dresses or dances with cat mascots like she does.
MEG- Heart

I'm not just an electro enthusiast. A Sufjan Stevens or Elliott Smith indie jem makes me smile too. One of my recent alternarock favorites is Your Twenties. Understated, talented, relaxing, love it.
Your Twenties - Billionaires

Jaa! Till next time.